2005 Photo Contest, Portraits, 2nd prize

Nina Berman

Redux Pictures for Mother Jones

19 October, 2003

American military personnel, injured by insurgent activity in Iraq, re-adjust to life back home: San Ross (21), an army paratrooper and combat engineer with the 82nd Airborne Division. Ross was injured 18 May 2003 in Baghdad when a bomb blew up during a munitions disposal operation. He is blind, lost his left leg, had a hole in his right leg and lost hearing in his left ear. He has shrapnel throughout his body. With already 15 surgeries behind him and five more planned, he is frequently in pain.

About the photographer

Nina Berman

Nina Berman is an American documentary photographer, filmmaker, author and professor at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York City.  World Press P...

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