2005 Photo Contest - Contemporary Issues - 1st prize

James Nachtwey

VII for Time

01 August, 2004

A mother cares for her son, sick with Hepatitis E, in a hospital in West Darfur. They have been displaced by the conflict in Darfur. The region saw one of the worst humanitarian crises of the year following attacks by Arab militias, allegedly backed by the government, on the local black African population. Over 150,000 people were estimated to have died, and some 2 million displaced in what was regarded as a form of ethnic cleansing. The militias were accused of war crimes, although the United Nations stopped short of declaring their actions genocide. After strong international pressure, the Sudanese government agreed to disarm the leading Arab militias, but despite the threat of UN sanctions little appeared to be done on the ground.

About the photographer

James Nachtwey

Photographs of the Vietnam War and the American Civil Rights movement inspired him to become a photographer. While teaching himself photography, he worked as truck driver and as ...

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