2005 Photo Contest - People in the News - 3rd prize

Shaul Schwarz


16 February, 2004

A mother stands beside her dead baby in a makeshift morgue at the hospital. The hospital had been closed since rebels revolting against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide had taken control of the city early in the year. The baby had been born shortly before fighting began, and had not received necessary care. Unrest in Haiti had been growing ever since disputed election results in 2000, with Gonaïves as a particular flash point, and both sides blaming each other for the violence. Law and order broke down in many places, with looters ransacking stores, businesses, government buildings and hospitals.

About the photographer

Shaul Schwarz

His feature-length documentary Narco Cultura premiered at Sundance in 2013 and screened at film festivals worldwide including The Berlin International Film Festival and Hot Docs....

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