2004 Photo Contest - Portraits - 3rd prize

Seamus Murphy

Redux Pictures for Algemeen Dagblad

01 March, 2002

Nezareth Castillo practices the guitar. Nezareth (8), of Trujillo, is an evangelical preacher who can command audiences of thousands. His father Andres says he was told by God that he would produce a son powerful with words and in knowledge. Nezareth wasn't born until Andres was 40, considered late to become a parent in Peru. At the time, the family lived in a shack behind the market place, but Nezareth's success has bought them a new house and car.

About the photographer

Seamus Murphy

Seamus Murphy's work as a photojournalist has taken him on frequent assignments to Afghanistan, but also across the world, from Iran, the Palestinian territories and Iraq, to Ken...

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