2004 Photo Contest - Portraits - 3rd prize

Seamus Murphy

Redux Pictures for Algemeen Dagblad

01 March, 2002

Preparing for a stage performance. Nezareth Castillo (8), of Trujillo, is an evangelical preacher who can command audiences of thousands. His father Andres says he was told by God that he would produce a son powerful with words and in knowledge. Nezareth wasn't born until Andres was 40, considered late to become a parent in Peru. At the time, the family lived in a shack behind the market place, but Nezareth's success has bought them a new house and car.

About the photographer

Seamus Murphy

Seamus Murphy's work as a photojournalist has taken him on frequent assignments to Afghanistan, but also across the world, from Iran, the Palestinian territories and Iraq, to Ken...

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