2000 Photo Contest - Portraits - 1st prize

Denis Dailleux

Agence Vu for DS Magazine

01 January, 1999

Every year more than two million people from all over Egypt gather in Cairo for a mawlid for Hussein, the grandson of the prophet Mohammed. For one week many camp out among sacrificial goats and camels. A mawlid is an Islamic religious festival in honor of a saint. Celebrations mingle religious elements with ancient rituals and something of the atmosphere of a country fair. A mawlid is very much a people's festival. Established scholarly religious practice is counterbalanced by popular mysticism, pre-Islamic traditions and trance states. Many of the practices are passed down through generations rather than enshrined in conventional belief.

About the photographer

Denis Dailleux

Denis Dailleux was born in 1958 in Angers, France. He has published a series of photography books all portraying Egypt, Cairo and his impressions of the revolution. His photograp...

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