2000 Photo Contest - Others - Individual awards

Harald Henden

Black Star for Verdens Gang

01 April, 1999

Trapped in a no man’s land at the border between Kosovo and Macedonia, Albanian refugees from Kosovo beg the international community for help. In April 1999, countless ethnic Albanians found themselves caught between Serb paramilitary units on one side and Macedonian forces on the other. International media were given severely restricted access, making it difficult for the refugees to communicate their plight. Harald Henden: 'The Serbian police and military were becoming increasingly brutal towards the Albanian population of Kosovo in 1998. This was a major news story, and I spent a lot of time on assignment in the province. In the spring of 1999, NATO carried out its threat of a major bombing campaign. I had no visa for Kosovo, so I went to neighboring Macedonia to see what would happen. A few days later tens of thousands of Albanians, forced from their homes by the Serbs, came pouring across the border.' (World Press Photo retrospective Children's Jury exhibition, 2003)

About the photographer

Harald Henden

Harald Henden (1960) studied natural science at Bergen University, Norway. He worked as a freelance photojournalist prior to joining Norway’s largest newspaper, Verdens Gang, in ...

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