1999 Photo Contest - General News - 3rd prize

Dudley M. Brooks

The Washington Post

01 January, 1998

Hurricane Mitch wreaked havoc, with torrential rain and winds sometimes reaching 290km per hour. Even though not in the direct path of the hurricane, Nicaragua was severely affected. Towns and villages beneath the Casitas Volcano in west Nicaragua were swamped when part of the mountain collapsed, flooding the countryside with mud and water from the crater. Thousands of refugees from the Casitas Volcano mudslide were taken to Ciudad Sandino, a large plot of farmland near the town of Managua. Here they lived in makeshift accommodation, waiting for food, clothing and other supplies.

About the photographer

Dudley M. Brooks

Dudley M. Brooks is the deputy director of Photography for The Washington Post, where he manages the creative strategy and production of photo content for the Features, Local, an...

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