2003 Photo Contest - People in the News - 2nd prize

Jan Grarup

Politiken / Rapho

01 June, 2002

Liberian refugees wait for transit permits to enter Sierra Leone and travel to safe camps away from the border region. They were fleeing Liberia during a civil war between rebel forces and the government of President Charles Taylor. Intense fighting in the border area led to some 8,500 people fleeing to Sierra Leone in late June. They included both Liberians and former Sierra Leonean refugees returning home after years of asylum in Liberia. Aid organizations struggled to cope with the influx, which included many who did not acquire permits and entered the country illegally.

About the photographer

Jan Grarup

Grarup’s work reflects his belief in photojournalism’s role as an instrument of witness and memory to incite change, and the necessity of telling the stories of people who are re...

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