2018 Photo Contest - Long-Term Projects - 1st prize

Ich Bin Waldviertel


Carla Kogelman

16 July, 2014

Alena and Steffi play in the sand.

Hannah and Alena are two sisters who live in Merkenbrechts, a bioenergy village of around 170 inhabitants in Waldviertel, an isolated rural area of Austria, near the Czech border.

The girls have two older brothers, but spend much of their time together in a carefree life, swimming, playing outdoors and engrossed in games around the house. A bioenergy village is one which produces most of its own energy needs from local biomass and other renewable sources.

The photographer has been photographing Hannah and Alena since 2012. She visits them for a few weeks, usually at summertime, every year, watching them growing up and spending time together.

About the photographer

Carla Kogelman

In December 2011, she graduated at the Foto Academie Amsterdam. She was always interested in the stories backstage, the actors' stories instead of those being performed on stage....

Technical information

Shutter Speed
Focal length
35.0 mm

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