2018 Photo Contest - Contemporary Issues - 3rd prize

North Korea


Roger Turesson

Dagens Nyheter

09 April, 2017

A crowd awaits the start of the Pyongyang Marathon at the Kim Il-sung Stadium, while an official guards the exit, in Pyongyang, North Korea.

More than 50,000 spectators assembled to see the start of the marathon. Thousands more gathered on the streets of the North Korean capital along a route that took runners past such landmarks as the Arch of Triumph, Kim Il-sung Square and the Grand Theatre. North Korea is one of the most isolated and secretive nations on earth. A leadership cult has grown around the Kim dynasty, passing from Kim Il-sung (the Great Leader) to his son Kim Jong-il (the Dear Leader) and grandson, the current supreme leader Kim Jong-un. The country is run along rigidly state-controlled lines. Local media are strictly regulated, and the foreign press largely excluded, or, if allowed access closely accompanied by minders.

About the photographer

Roger Turesson

In 1983 he became a staff photographer at Expressen and was based in USA 1988-91. He covered the fall of the Soviet Union and the development in Russia 1991-1994. In 2002 Roger ...

Technical information

Shutter Speed
Focal length
28.0 mm

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