2015 Photo Contest - Nature - 1st prize



Anand Varma

National Geographic

08 August, 2013

After the flatworm (Ribeiroia ondatrae) reproduces asexually inside a snail, its larvae find a bullfrog tadpole and burrow through its skin, forming cysts around the frog’s developing limbs. With legs added, subtracted, or compromised, the ungainly victim is easy prey for frog-eating birds like herons. Inside the heron, the parasite reproduces sexually. Its eggs re-enter the water when the bird defecates, infecting new snails to start another round.

Many parasites not only feed off their hosts, but appear to manipulate the host’s behavior in a way that is advantageous to the parasite’s life cycle. Recent research indicates that this influence occurs at a genetic level—certain parasite genes seem to be able to take control of the host’s brain. Research has shown that in some cases a single parasite gene is responsible for altering the host’s behavior, though in most instances it is thought that the phenomenon is brought about by a combination of genes.

About the photographer

Anand Varma

Anand Varma is a freelance photographer and videographer who grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. He started photographing natural history subjects while studying biology at the Universi...

Technical information

Shutter Speed
Focal length
50.0 mm
Canon EOS 5D Mark III

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