2015 Photo Contest - Spot News - 2nd prize

Beach Casualties


Tyler Hicks

The New York Times

16 July, 2014

Israeli artillery struck a beach in Gaza City during the country’s 50-day war with Hamas in the summer of 2014, killing four young boys and injuring one young adult.

About the photographer

Tyler Hicks

Tyler Hicks is a staff photographer for The New York Times. He began working for The Times as a contract photographer in Kenya in 1999, photographing news stories in East and Wes...

Background story

Israeli missiles struck a beach in Gaza City, killing four boys and injuring a young adult.

Two explosions, separated by some 30 seconds, hit first a shack on the sea wall and then the open sand, where the children were fleeing. The boys were cousins, children of local fishermen. They had been told by their parents to remain indoors, but, having been cooped up for nine days of Israeli bombardment, had ignored their parents’ caution and gone to play outside. The Israeli military later launched a criminal investigation into the attack; part of a 50-day war that saw more than 2,100 Palestinians and some 65 Israelis killed.

Technical information

Shutter Speed
Focal length
50.0 mm
Canon EOS 5D Mark III

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