1989 Photo Contest - Spot News - 2nd prize

Anthony Suau

Black Star for Time

06 October, 1988

Clouds of tear-gas dampen the enthusiasm of demonstrators waving the Chilean flag after the majority of the population had voted to end General Augusto Pinochet's fifteen-year rule. In 1989, he lost the first presidential election in 19 years. The dictator conceded defeat, but decided to stay on until 1990. However, Pinochet remained as Commander-in-Chief of the Army until March 1998, and thereafter as a senator for life. His senatorship and consequent immunity from prosecution protected him from legal action.

About the photographer

Anthony Suau

Suau started his career at the Chicago Sun Times in 1976 and later joined the Denver Post. In 1985, he moved to New York City to work for Black Star agency. He was a contract pho...

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