World Press Photo of the Year
Tim Hetherington
Singles - 1st prize
Ariana Lindquist
Singles - 2nd prize
Stefano De Luigi
Singles - 3rd prize
Qi Xiaolong
Stories - 1st prize
Rafal Milach
Stories - 2nd prize
Massimo Siragusa
Stories - 3rd prize
Cristina Garcia Rodero
Brent Stirton
Zsolt Szigetváry
William Daniels
Jean Revillard
Lorena Ros
Olivier Culmann
Justin Maxon
Benjamin Lowy
Vladimir Vyatkin
Pieter Ten Hoopen
Carolyn Drake
Christopher Anderson
Balazs Gardi
Stanley Greene
Takagi Tadatomo
Cédric Gerbehaye
Fang Qianhua
Jeff Hutchens
Damon Winter
David Liittschwager
Paul Nicklen
Yonathan Weitzman
Carol Guzy
Daniel Berehulak
Philippe Dudouit
Francesco Zizola
Oded Balilty
Chuck Close
Simona Ghizzoni
Vanessa Winship
Lana K. Slezic
Andrew Quilty
Ivaylo Velev
Frank Wechsel
Tim Clayton
Erika Larsen
Fei Maohua
Miguel Barreira
Chris Detrick
Miguel Riopa
Judit Berekai & Tomasz Gudzowaty
Erik Refner
Travis Dove
John Moore
Bold Hungwe
Stephen Morrison
Roberto Schmidt
Michael Kamber
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