1998 Photo Contest - Spot News - 2nd prize

Kadir van Lohuizen

Agence Vu for Vrij Nederland

01 May, 1997

Rwandan Hutu-refugees wait for the train to Kisangani. As an open-topped train, loaded beyond capacity, made its way from Biaro refugee camp to Kisangani in Zaire (DR Congo), alarm signals went unheeded and many people were crushed to death. When the train arrived in Kisangani, about 100 passengers had died. From Kisangani the refugees were airlifted back to Rwanda by the United Nations.

About the photographer

Kadir van Lohuizen

In the following years he worked in many conflict areas in Africa, such as Angola, Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Liberia and the DR of Congo. From 1990 to 1994 he covered the transit...

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