Set in Seattle, Washington, USA, and unfolding over several years, 'The Long Night' explores the crisis of minors entangled in the American sex trade. The film weaves together the stories of seven people whose lives have been forever changed by this issue. The viewer is submerged into the experience of what it has been like for Natalie and Lisa to survive this life; for Tom and Nacole to watch their daughter slip out of their hands; and for Andy and his fellow police officers, Brian and Joel, to try and create a more just system.
Director: Tim Matsui
Produced by: MediaStorm
Cinematography: Tim Matsui
Field Producer: Tim Matsui
Editor and Producer: Tim McLaughlin
Additional Cinematography: Carey Wagner
Motion Graphics: Joe Fuller
Composer: Nandi Rose Plunkett
Player Design & Development: Tim Klimowicz, Shameel Arafin, David Kofahl
Social Media: Eileen Mignoni, Cortney Cleveland
Partnership Development: Samia Khan
Executive Producer: Brian Storm