Muhammad Salah

Muhammad Salah, Sudan


/ˈsɪnθɪsɪs/ is a personal exploration of the relationship between the self and the other, and the self and the surrounding space. The project was born from the photographer’s need to document the struggle of moving to Germany, away from family and friends, and adapt to a different reality.


Muhammad Salah is a Sudanese photographer based in Khartoum. He began photographing in 2013, and has developed a critical focus on social, political, and cultural issues. “Photography to me is a tool of healing and understanding my surroundings and myself better. When it comes to the motives behind my photography, I ponder on an emotional level, not an intellectual one. Spaces and people are equivalently important to me,” he explains.


2020 Joop Swart Masterclass

For the first time, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Joop Swart Masterclass took place online over a period of four months, and 24 participants and eight masters were selected to make the program more inclusive. The educational experience of the Joop Swart Masterclass is based on an assignment to produce a photo essay around a given theme. This year the theme was ‘Reset’.

From July to October 2020, the participants worked on their projects and received mentorship and guidance from the mentors.

Learn more about the 2020 Joop Swart Masterclass.