Letters to Gemma
Gemma left home for a job interview, but never returned. In a file lost for seven years in injustice, lies the record of her lifeless body, the order of exhumation and the note that her body was not found. This project is an immersion into, and a personal connection to her world, her poetry, the union with her parents, the flowers that she cultivated, and the melancholy remembrance of her desire to live. According to the statistics of the RNPED in Mexico, someone disappears every two hours; 40% of them are young people between 15 and 29 years in age, and seven Mexican women are murdered every day. In 2007, 620 people disappeared, and in 2017, the figures were 5426.
“On a tourist trip to Cuba for a week, I looked for accommodation through Airbnb and I found Iriana, who manages the account of where I’d stay. She gave me instructions to get to her parents' house. While there, I was thinking and developing the project according to the experience of knowing these people, using drawings of her, her dresses, and the spaces of the house.” - Mariceu Erthal García