
Maite Alberdi

In 2011 she premiered at IDFA her first and noted feature film “The Lifeguard”. Through Micromundo, her production company, she directed her film “Tea Time” that has received important film awards such as Best Female-Directed EDA Award at IDFA, Best Documentary Award at Miami International Film Festival, EIDF-EBS Korea, DocsBarcelona, and FICG Guadalajara, among others. It was also nominee for the Goya Awards as Best Iberoamerican Film.

In 2016, she premiered her shortfilm “I am not from here”, which was nominated for European FilmAwards.

Her filmography:

  • “The Grown-Ups”, 80 min, 2016
  • “I'm not from here” 25 min, 2016
  • “Tea Time” 60 min, 2016
  • “The Lifeguard”, 60 min, 2011
Maite Alberdi