Safety and Security in Photojournalism

New training program for photojournalists working in high-risk environments

Every day, photojournalists from around the world face censorship, threats, and even death. This relentless assault on press freedom not only undermines the foundation of democracy but also restricts the public’s access to reliable information. In response to this urgent need, this new training program equips independent photojournalists working in high-risk environments with tools and techniques to ensure their safety.

The program includes physical and digital risk assessment, emergency first aid support, digital security, psychological resilience, and trauma management. For the first edition, 10 selected participants will come to Amsterdam for a three-day program in October 2024. The training is unique because it is a personalized approach based on a deeper understanding of the context of the social and political environments in which the participants usually work and the specific hazards they may encounter.

This training program is organized by World Press Photo in collaboration with ACOS Alliance and made possible thanks to funding from the Goeie Grutten Foundation.