Verification process

2025 Contest verification process

On this page, you can find detailed information about the verification process used for the World Press Photo Contest. As part of this process, work submitted to the contest undergoes rigorous checks in order to prove its authenticity. To provide more information on this, take a look at the following:

The World Press Photo Contest has four verification processes to ensure compliance with its code of ethics and entry rules.

1. Entry checks for Single, Stories and Long-Term Project entries

Our team conducts several checks to ensure entries are in line with the entry rules and category requirements, including: as only single frame photographs can be entered to these categories, we check to see if there are multiple exposures, polyptychs, stitched images or photographs with added texts or added borders; we also check whether creation and publication dates are according to the rules; and to spot any other problems that might have occurred when uploading to our entry platform.

2. Manipulation review for Single, Stories and Long-Term Project entries

Entry rule 17 states photographs “must not be altered by adding, rearranging, reversing, distorting or removing people and/or objects from within the frame.” For full details please see the entry rules on manipulation on the what counts as manipulation page which describes and shows what alterations to the content of a photograph are not acceptable.

There are two exceptions to this: (i) cropping that removes extraneous details is permitted; (ii) sensor dust or scratches on scans of negatives can be removed.

The process for ensuring compliance with this rule takes place during the judging process. Entrants whose photographs remain in the contest and are eligible to progress are contacted between 21 - 31 January 2025 and required to provide the file as recorded by the camera. These files could be:

  • RAW file(s) (only 1 frame per contest image is required)
  • Full format JPEG file(s). These must be as delivered by the camera, and provided in a series showing at least seven frames (three frames before the contest entry, the frame of the actual contest entry, and three frames after the contest entry)
  • For smartphones, the unedited photograph emailed directly from the phone to and provided in a series showing at least seven frames (three frames before the contest entry, the frame of the actual contest image, and three frames after the contest image)
  • Unprocessed unedited positive scans of film negative(s), plus a contact sheet of a series showing at least seven frames (three frames before the contest entry, the frame of the actual contest entry, and three frames after the contest entry).

What original file format should I send for verification? Below you can find a visual guide:

Failure to provide these files will lead to the elimination of the entry, making it ineligible for a possible award.

Two independent digital analysts compare original files with contest entries to determine whether the content of any photograph (either a single photograph or frame in a story) has been altered. 

3. Fact-checking

Once the winners are chosen, an external research team will check the context in which each image or story was produced, distributed and/or published. This could include (but is not limited to): if the persons named in the caption are in the photo; if a news event can be confirmed to have taken place; if an animal is depicted, is the correct species named; is the location accurate; is the date correct; etc.

The fact-checking process will be where clause 2 of the code of ethics (that entrants “must not intend to mislead by recreating or staging events”) is handled. Captions must explain the circumstances in which a photograph was taken. If the photographer influenced the scene in any way, or gave directions to a subject to pose in any way for a portrait, this must be disclosed in the caption.

4. Story text

Once the jury has selected the winners, the external research team gathers background information on each photograph and story. While we rely on the photographers for the basic captions, which are edited for accuracy and clarity, we often need additional information. This is so we can provide – in the yearbook, exhibition and on the website – the full story that gives the context for each photograph and story. The foundation is responsible for the content of this text. If required information is missing or incorrect, photographers will be contacted and asked to provide the correct information. Winning photographers are asked to fact check the captions and story descriptions before they are published.

Entries for the 2025 World Press Photo Contest are now closed. To hear who wins, where you can see the exhibitions and more, sign up for our newsletter.

Are you looking for more specific information? Visit one of the following pages to find out more about: