World Press Photo of the Year
Alon Reininger
Stories - 1st prize
Emile Luider
Stories - 2nd prize
Bernard Annebicque
Stories - 3rd prize
Vitaly Arutyunov
Stories - Individual awards
Singles - Individual awards
Roland Holschneider
Singles - 1st prize
Guo Jiang Lin
Singles - 2nd prize
Yves Gellie
Singles - 3rd prize
Anthony Suau
Jean-Erick Pasquier
Bradley E. Clift
Hans Meer
Singles - Honorable mention
Robert Michael Pearce
James Nachtwey
Katalin Arkell
Brendan Monks
Stories - Honorable mention
Louis DeLuca
James Balog
Anacleto Rapping
José Azel
Bob Krist
Eric Bouvet
Frans Lanting
Jeff Share
Valentin Kuzmin
David Turnley
Helmut R. Schulze
Valery Zufarov
Arthur Pollock
Mark Greenberg
Igor Kostin
Georg Fischer
John McDonough
Sergei Guneyev
Theo A.P. Houts
Gérard Rancinan
Robert Garvey
Yen Tsang-Chi
Maggie Steber
Alain Noguès
Janet Knott
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