World Press Photo of the Year
Stanley Forman
Stories - 1st prize
Pablo Bartholomew
Stories - 2nd prize
Michael O'Brien
Stories - 3rd prize
Shadrack Nkomo
Singles - 1st prize
Clive Limpkin
Singles - 2nd prize
John Edmund Lamb
Singles - 3rd prize
Hartmut Beifuss
David Hume Kennerly
David Valentine
Axel O. Carp
Krzysztof Niemiec
Tadeusz Trepanowski
Klaus P. Siebahn
Albert Roosenburg
Sven-Erik Sjöberg
Volker Hinz
Kent E. Gavin
Peter Bregg
Jan Stappenbeld
James Bourdier
Andre Baranyi
Daniel Farrell
Thai Khac Chuong
Nico Koster
Ben Blumers
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