2019 Photo Contest - Sports - 1st Prize

Boxing in Katanga


John T. Pedersen

24 March, 2018

Boxer Moreen Ajambo (30) trains at the Rhino boxing club in Katanga, a large slum settlement in Kampala, Uganda, on 24 March.

More than 20,000 people live in Katanga, crowded together and often in extreme poverty. The boxing club receives no outside funding. Ajambo, a mother of seven, boxes in the Ugandan women’s team. Men’s boxing has a long history in Uganda, but women boxers are often frustrated by the few opportunities to compete at an international level.

About the photographer

John T. Pedersen

John T. Pedersen was born 1966 in Oslo, Norway. He has been working as a professional photographer since 1988. During this time, he has worked for a number of newspapers, trad...

Technical information

Shutter Speed
Focal length
24 mm
Nikon D4

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