2012 Photo Contest - Portraits - 2nd prize

The New Amazons


Guillaume Herbaut

Institute for Artist Management for Stiletto

13 October, 2011

Inna Shevchenko (21) is a leader of Femen, a Ukrainian protest group comprising almost exclusively young women, which organizes topless demonstrations against such issues as sex tourism, the sex industry, and internet marriage brokering.

About the photographer

Guillaume Herbaut

Guillaume Herbaut, member of Agence VU’ since 2021, is a French photographer based in Paris, France.  Alongside press assignments, Herbaut has dedicated himself to ...

Background story

Kiev, Ukraine

Inna Shevchenko (21) is a leader of Femen, a Ukrainian protest group comprising almost exclusively young women, which organizes topless demonstrations against such issues as sex tourism, the sex industry, and internet marriage brokering. They counter accusations that their provocative methods undermine their own movement’s values with the claim that if they staged simple protests with banners, their voice would not be heard.

Technical information

Shutter Speed
Focal length
35 mm
Nikon D3S

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