1978 Photo Contest - Spot News - 3rd prize

Yaacov Saar

Government Press Office

19 November, 1977

Premier Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar el Sadat of Egypt exchange remarks during a working dinner at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Sadat was the first Arab leader to bring an official state visit to Israel, where he met Begin. Sadat was also invited to speak before the Knesset. His visit to Israel, called by some the 'Sadat Initiative', marked the start of negotiations between the two countries that lead to the Camp David Accords in September 1978 and to Begin and Sadat sharing the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize. On 26 March 1979, the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty was signed. The photo was published in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahranot, one day later.

About the photographer

Yaacov Saar

Yaacov Saar is an Israeli photographer. In 1981, he became the director of the photography department of the Israeli Government Press Office. 

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