1959 Photo Contest - News - 3rd prize

Daniel Camus

01 January, 1959

Street fight during the final days of the revolution in Havana, Cuba. The Cuban Revolution, which had started in July 1953 with an armed attack on an army base by Fidel Castro and his revolutionary 26th of July Movement, culminated on 1 January 1959 when President Fulgencio Battista fled the country and his army capitulated. The rebellion army led by Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos entered Havana on 2 January, joined by Castro on 8 January.

About the photographer

Daniel Camus

Daniel Camus was a photographer in the French army during the war in Indochina in the 1950s. After his return to France, he joined French magazine Paris Match as a staff photogra...

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